Classically styled walk-in mausoleums incorporate intricate classical or neo-classical architectural design elements such as imposing fluted turned ionic columns. These structures can be made to hold any number of crypts. Crypts are located inside the mausoleum and you can choose to include sentimental memorabilia and artwork. Classically styled walk-in mausoleums are large structures with steps that lead up to the entrance doors. Benches, statues, and beautiful landscaping can be included outside of the mausoleum.
There's so much we experience in our lives that help guide the monument design process. There are the big moments that shape us—graduation, a first job, falling in love and getting married, having children, seeing children grow into adulthood. When we reflect on our lives, it's these memories and milestones that may come to mind first. At Dio+Co., we care about our clients and pride ourselves in helping them leave behind a symbol of their legacy and that of their entire family.
Custom Craftsmanship
Classically styled walk-in mausoleums start at $200,000. These beautiful structures can hold multiple caskets, coffins, and cremation urns.
Quality construction
Our standards are unmatched in our superior design and construction. Our mausoleum construction process is rigorous and meticulous and all of our mausoleums are built to last the test time.
Quality construction makes all of the difference. We build:
- a strong foundation,
- durable base course,
- sturdy side walls,
- well-made roof, and
- high-quality joints.
Ordering a custom classically styled walk-in mausoleum
At Dio + Co., we are master designers and sculptors. We are happy to explain the ordering process, pricing, customization options, quality construction standards, shipping and installation. Request an estimate for a chapel walk-in mausoleum to learn more information! Want to chat now, call us: (878)-201-3578.
This video was created by Rome Monument, our parent company. See how our mausoleums are beautifully built to last the test of time.
We go above and beyond
Choose & Create Design
Approve Design
Deliver & Install
Include your passion, hobby, faith, or interest
What is truly unique and special about you or your loved one? Dio + Co. can design a luxury, custom chapel walk-in mausoleum to include your interests, hobbies, and passions.
Flowers, Trees, Gardening
Law Enforcement
Request an Estimate
Leave a permanent mark on the world
Our team is happy to assist whether you're just getting started or know exactly what you want. Contact us for a free estimate. We ship nationwide!