Completely Custom Monument Design And Construction
Dio + Co. offers you unlimited possibilities, high-quality customization, and upscale personalization! We don’t use stock templates and old design catalogs to create completely custom monuments. We use your dreams and imagination combined with our design expertise to give you precisely what you want. We can create custom monuments such as custom upright or sculpted monuments and gravestones in various sizes, styles, shapes, and colors. Construct a custom monument to showcase your passions, hobbies, or interests and stand out in a crowded cemetery for future generations to enjoy.

100% Customizable
We can create customized monuments, memorials, or gravestones that are as unique as the individual being memorialized.

We use your accomplishments and values combined with our design expertise to give you exactly what you want!

Include Your Passion
Envision how you want future generations of your family to know you or your loved one, and let us capture your essence in an everlasting memorial.

We experience so much in our lives. Those experiences are the perfect starting place to guide the monument design process. The important moments that shape us, such as graduating from college, a first job, purchasing your first house, getting married, or having children. These vital milestones and memories usually come to mind when we reflect on our lives. At Dio + Co., we take your specific passions and accomplishments to help you leave behind a lasting tribute for future generations to enjoy.
The Customization Process
We don’t use stock monument templates or old design catalogs to create monuments. We combine our design expertise with your passions and values to create unique, custom monuments you'll love!
Choose & Create A Design
Approve The Design
Deliver & Install
What Can Be Personalized
Dio + Co. specializes in carving, engraving, etching, and sculpting personalized artwork in the design of the custom monuments we build. Make your custom monument stand out in a crowded cemetery.
Families frequently ask us to design custom monuments that use symbols, designs, and imagery that have special significance to the deceased, as well as custom artwork created by the families themselves with the help of our monument designers. From cemetery lettering to custom artwork, we can immortalize your vision.
The shape and size of a monument distinguishes it more than anything else in a cemetery. Use your imagination and think of a shape that no one else has. Then, we’ll build it just for you!
Common cemetery monuments include flat (flush or lawn level) markers, upright monuments, bevel-shaped monuments, slant-shaped monuments, memorial benches, statues, headstones, and mausoleums. Make them uncommon with a personalized design from Dio + Co.
Monument accessories are added to a memorial to make it more functional, versatile, or aesthetically pleasing. These custom-designed elements can be attached during construction or to a preexisting monument. Examples include urns, granite inserts, bronze plaques, bronze accessories, accessories for benches, and bases.
What's Your Passion?
What is unique or special about you or your loved ones? What are your hobbies, interests, and passions? We can design a luxurious, custom monument that incorporates your passions for a truly unique experience.





Flowers, Trees, Gardening




Law Enforcement



Family Members
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Leave a permanent mark on the world with a custom monument
We take a lot of pride in designing and constructing custom monuments that highlight the most important experiences of your life. Contact us for a free quote and learn how we can immortalize your accomplishments.